Webinar: The Role of Certification within the EUTR
ATIBT and Preferred by Nature are offering a joint webinar on the use of forest certification within a EUTR-compliant due diligence system. This webinar is additional to the February/March
ATIBT and Preferred by Nature are offering a joint webinar on the use of forest certification within a EUTR-compliant due diligence system. This webinar is additional to the February/March
Webinar BIOPLAT 'Modelos Productivos Sostenibles para el Impulso de la Bioeconomía para la Recuperación'
El jueves 29 de abril, celebramos el Infoday Nacional sobre Horizonte Europa y el Clúster 6, "Alimentación, Bioeconomía, Recursos Naturales, Agricultura y Medio Ambiente". Será
The EU Green Week 2021 will take place from 31 May to 4 June 2021, with Partner Events taking place between 3 May to 13 June 2021. This year’s edition ties
Orden del día 1. Apertura de la reunión 2. Relación de miembros presentes 3. Adopción del Orden del día 4. Actualización de la situación de